
Donation Reports

Every month BetterNow supplies a monthly report containing donor data and a financial overview of the month's fundraising activities and the fees you have incurred. 

These monthly reports are located in your Dashboard and can be downloaded in several formats by any user with Administrator or Accountant status.

Go to Dashboard --> Reports 

You will now see a list of all the monthly reports that have been made for your organisation. Chose the report you want to see by clicking on the Report number or the month. 

In your monthly report, you will find the total amount fundraised divided by which acquire (Clearhaus, Swish, Vips) pays out the funds.

At the top of the page, you will see several options for downloading the report, which contains far more details and data than the report page. 

Click on the box with the format you prefer. (Note! the excel format is no longer supported after 1/10 2022)

The excel file contains two tabs. One with the financial overview of the report (same as what you see in the dashboard) and a sheet with the detailed donation details.

The CSV file contains almost the same information as the excel report (it only lacks the financial overview sheet).

How to use a CSV file.

To open the CSV file in Excel you will have to import it. The CSV file has to be imported with UTF-8 encoding to ensure all special letters appear correctly (e.g. ä, ö, ø, å, æ, á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ)
For more help on importing see Microsoft Excel Support.

