Each month we send you details on all donations given to you in the previous month. This article explains the format of this report, and what each column covers.
All those marked with * may have a null value in the report, either because the field is optional for the donor to fill out, or because the donation isn't associated with any object of that type (e.g. a team or event)
Column Name | Format | Content |
Donation ID | Number | A unique ID for each donation set by BetterNow. |
Donation Date | Date (UTC) | The date on which the donation wasis made |
Amount | Number | The donation amount |
Currency | Text | The currency of the donation |
Donor Type | Text | Private or corporate donor. |
Tax ID* | Text | Donor Tax ID Danish CPR numbers: DDMMYYXXXX Swedish Personnummer: YYYYMMDDXXXX |
Full Name | Text | Full name of the donor |
First Name | Text | First name of the donor |
Last Name | Text | Last name of the donor |
Company Name* | Text | Name of company, if it is a company |
Case insensitive text | Email for the donor | |
Phone* | Text | Phone number. This is reported in the international standard for phone numbers: e164 |
Address 1* | Text | Street line |
Address 2* | Text | Street line 2 |
Postal Code* | Text | The postal code |
City* | Text | City |
Province* | Text | Province |
Country* | Text (max 2 characters) | Country code of the donor |
Birthdate* | Date (UTC) | The donor's birthday, if available |
Name as shown | Text | The name shown with the donation, not necessarily the actual name of the donor |
Comment* | Text | Comment with the donation |
Given Anonymously | True/false | TRUE = name is hidden on the public donation |
Allow organisation contact | True/false | TRUE = donor accepted to be contacted |
Allow site contact | True/false | TRUE = donor accepted to be contacted by site owner (only relevant on platform sites) |
Project Name | Text | Name of project, donation is connected with |
Project Reference | Number | Unique project ID |
Fundraiser Title | Text | Title of the fundraiser donated to |
Fundraiser URL | Text | URL of the fundraiser donated to |
Fundraiser ID | Text | Unique ID of the fundraiser |
Fundraiser Type | Text | Awaiting new feature on BetterNow - stay tuned! |
Fundraiser Full Name | Text | Full name of fundraiser donated to |
Fundraiser First Name | Text | First name of fundraiser donated to |
Fundraiser Last Name | Text | Last name of the fundraiser donated to |
Event Name* | Text | Name of event, fundraiser is connected with |
Event ID* | Number | Unique event ID |
Team ID* | Number | Unique team ID |
Team Name* | Text | Name of team, fundraiser is member of |
Charity Reference | Number | Unique charity ID |
Charity Name | Text | Name of charity, fundraiser is fundraising for |
Site | Text | URL of the site, the donation was given through |
Your Reference | Text | The reference code you set on the project level |
Gross Amount | Text | Donation before any fees |
PSP Fee* | Number | Payment Service Provider Fee (only given if settled by BetterNow) |
BN Fee* | Number | BetterNow Fee. NOTE! Will be null on donations in current month, if you download data through the data exporter. |
Net Amount* | Number | Donation net of all fees (only given if settled by BetterNow) |
Project URL | Text | URL of the project the fundraiser have picked |
Settled By BetterNow | True/false | True if settled by BetterNow, False if settled by Clearhaus or other acquire |
Acquire | Text | Clearhaus, Swish or Vipps |
Payment ID for Processor | Text | ID given to payment processor |
Self_donation | True/false | True: Donation made by the person who also created thhase fundraiser, to which the the donation was made. |
Tribute fund ID* | Text | ID given to the tribute fund, that the donation was made to |
In memory gift card ID* | Text | ID of the gift (condolence) card, if present |
Honoree* | Text | Name of person the tribute fund is made in honour to OR person honoured on gift card |
Funerale date* | Date (UTC) | Date of funeral for honoree |
Birth date* | Date (UTC) | Birthdate of the honoree |
Death date* | Date (UTC) | Death date of the honoree |
In memory message* | Text | Massage as on the gift (condolence) card |
In memory givers* | Text | Name of givers, as appearing on the gift (condolance) card |
Settlement Currency | Text | Currency the donation has been settled in |
ERP product number | Text | ERP number set on the project level (Beta feature) |
Short Payment ID for processor | Text | ID given to payment processor, stripped of the payment attempt number |