
Data on Fundraisers

This is the data you can download on fundraisers through our data exporter. This article explains the format of this report, and what each column covers.

All those marked with * may have a null value in the report, either because the field is optional for the donor to fill out, or because the donation isn't associated with any object of that type (e.g. a team or event)

Column Name Format Content
Fundraiser_ID Number Unique ID for fundraiser
First_Name Text First name on person creating the fundraiser
Last_Name Text Last name on person creating the fundraiser
Middle_Name* Text Only if middle name field enabled
Email Case insensitive text Email on person creating the fundraiser
Phone* Text Phone number on person creating the fundraiser. This is reported in the international standard for phone numbers: e164
Fundraiser_Name Text Headline on fundraiser
Name_Shown* Text Name shown on fundraiser, may be different from owner user name 
Created_At Date (UTC) Time fundraiser was created.
Created_Date YYYY-MM-DD Date fundraiser was created.
Last_Edited Date (UTC) Last time fundraiser was edited
End_Date* Date (UTC) End date of fundrasier
Collected Number Total amount fundraised
Currency_Code Text E.g. EUR for euro
Goal* Number Goal of fundraiser 
Stats_Goal_Reached_Percent Number % of goal reached
Stats_Valid_Donation_Count Number Number of donations to fundraiser
Fundraiser_Type Picklist value

One of the following values:
birthday, anniversary, in_memory_of, sports_event, corporate, cultural_event, sponsorable, tribute_fund or other

Allow_Organisation_Contact True/False Contact permission to charity
Allow_Site_Contact True/False Contact permission to site owner when not same as charity
Fundraiser_URL Text URL of the fundraiser
Fundraiser_Mobile_Donation_URL Text  URL for mobile donation form (Be aware: also reported even though no mobile payments are enabled)
Project_ID Number Unique ID for project
Project_Name Text Name of project fundraiser is created for
Project_Reference* Text As set by charity on project
Charity_ID Number Unique ID for charity
Charity Name Name of charity fundraiser created for
Event_ID* Number Unique ID for event
Event_Name* Text Name of event, fundraiser is connected to 
Team_ID* Number Unique ID for team
Team_Name* Text Name of team, fundraiser is connected to 
Team_Collected* Number Amount team has fundraised in total
Team_Goal_Reached_Percent* Number Percentage its goal, the team has reached
Team_Goal* Number Goal of the team
Team_URL* Text URL for team, fundraiser is connected to
Honoree* Text Person tribute fund is created in honor of
Birth_Date* YYYY-MM-DD Birth date of honoree
Death_Date* YYYY-MM-DD Death date of honoree
Funeral_Date* YYYY-MM-DD Funeral date of honoree 
Site_Name Text Name of the site the fundraiser was created on
Site_ID Number Unique ID for the site
Self_donation_count Number Number of donations made by the person who created the fundraiser
Self_donation_amount Number Amount donated by the person who created the fundraiser