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Fundraiser defaults and reference codes for fundraisers

Fundraiser defaults are the pre-set settings and suggestions that the fundraiser will see when they create their fundraiser. These pre-set suggestions help guide the fundraisers as they customise their page.

These fundraiser defaults are set by each project, so they can be customised to the specific project, campaign or event.

There are five fields that you, as a charity, can set defaults for. These are:

1. Default fundraiser type

2. Default fundraiser goal

3. Default fundraiser end date

4. Default fundraiser description

5. Default video (URL)

6. Default fundraiser profile image

In addition, you can set a hidden reference code for all fundraisers within a project.

You change the project defaults by logging in with your administrator login, going to the specific project, and clicking "edit".

Default Fundraiser Type

If you, for example, create a project for birthday fundraisers, you can pre-set the Fundraiser type to "birthday" or, if you create a project that will be linked to a sports event, set it to "Sports event." 

This will skip step two of the fundraiser creation flow, and the fundraiser won't be asked what type of fundraiser they are creating. Read more about how you can use this to configure the fundraiser creation flow.

Default Fundraiser Goal

The default goal for all fundraisers is €400/5000kr. However, if you start a project or event where you expect the fundraisers to be less engaged, setting a lower default goal may be a good idea. A suggested goal can be so high that is unrealistic and de-motivating.

It can also be the opposite; if you create a project for which you expect high engagement among the fundraisers and that they have the capacity to raise much more than the default goal of €400/5000kr, you can adjust accordingly.

Default Fundraiser End Date

If the end date is not changed when creating the fundraiser, it is set to 3 months after the creation date. If the project is created for an event or campaign with a specific end date, you can pre-set the end date to fit this specific event.

Default Fundraiser Description

Not everyone wants to write their own fundraiser description, so it is a great idea to write a default description that fits the project and your organisation. The fundraisers can, of course, overrule this description and write their own.

Remember to make it fairly generic and inclusive. This is also an excellent opportunity to describe what your organisation does, why the cause is essential, and what the donations will be spent on. This will make both the fundraiser and the donor feel closer to your cause and, thus, more engaged.

Default Video on Fundraisers

Here, you can add a URL for a YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, TV, or Facebook Live video that will be embedded on all new fundraisers created for the project. The fundraiser can remove or replace the video after creation.

Use this to require all fundraisers to include your campaign video or an introductory video about the organization or specific project.

Default fundraiser profile image

You can set a default profile image. If you do this, it will replace the default BetterNow image placeholder. This is especially useful for campaigns where you, for some reason, expect fundraisers to be less willing to spend time personalising the page or where it is less critical that they do so, and you therefore, want to add a more on-brand image. 

If you did this, you should expect lower rates of fundraisers adding their own profile image, as the CTA to add an image won't be shown unless you hover over the image.

Reference Code

You can add a reference code for your project. Any reference number/code listed here will be reported with every donation made to this project, or to fundraisers created for the project. 

This can make the import of donations to your CRM/ERP systems easier, as you can match the project with a specific campaign based on this reference code.

This will also be reported as the "Meddelande" in Swish reports if added. 

NOTE: This code will be visible to Swish donors when completing the payment in the Swish app.

