Home > Managing Fundraisers

Managing Fundraisers

Fundraiser states: An overview
Fundraisers can have various states. These states determine their visibility and... more
Change owner or email of a fundraiser
If a supporter needs to transfer ownership of their fundraising page to another ... more
Change project for a fundraiser
It is possible to move fundraisers between projects. In order to move a fundra... more
Managing fundraisers and making internal notes
Each fundraiser page has a corresponding internal page in your dashboard. On th... more
Notifications about new and ended fundraisers
Administrators of organisations can choose to receive notification emails to get... more
Offline Donations
What is an offline donation? An offline donation is a donation that has been r... more
Delete or finish a fundraising page
As an administrator of a charity you can always disable donations (finish a fund... more
Automated Fundraiser Emails / Stewardship Journey
Every time a new fundraiser is created, the user automatically receives a welcom... more
Editing Fundraisers
As an administrator of a charity, you can edit any fundraising page. Note: You ... more
If a fundraiser donates themselves, we will show this donation just below the pr... more
How to write a message on a fundraiser page
As a charity administrator you have the ability to leave a message for the fundr... more