
MobilePay Online

BetterNow offers MobilePay online to all the Danish charities. This means that the donors can pay via their MobilePay App.

How does it work from the donor's side? 

The donor enters the payment form from the fundraiser page, just as with any other payment channel. However, instead of choosing "Credit card" the donor chooses "MobilePay". After the donor has filled out the donation form, the donor is either sent directly to her/his mobilepay app if making the donation on a phone, or, if the donor is on a laptop, they will complete the payment on their phone after confirming their phone number. 



Can each fundraiser get a MobilePay phone number? 

No, MobilePay does not support this option. If they offer this feature in the future we will look into enabling it.

How are donations sent to us and what donor data do we receive? 

Donations through MobilePay are paid out through your standard monthly pay-out form from Clearhaus. You will still receive permissions, donor data and all the donor data you are used to. 

Additional Fees 

There is a an addition fixed monthly fee of 50 kr each month for enabling MobilePay to your account, and there is an additional 1 kr. transaction fee for each donation, imposed by MobilePay.

Read about how we use MobilePay with mobile donation forms here.

How do I enable MobilePay

Please email us at support@betternow.org to enable this.


