

Teams are a way of grouping together fundraisers. Most often, team members know each other; they could be fellow students, family members, or friends. Each team page has a leaderboard that can be used to create competition among its members. 

The team page aggregates the results of all team members, and has its own goal. 

It is not possible to donate directly to a team. Everybody belonging to a team still must have their own personal fundraiser. A donation to a team must go via a fundraiser.

Creating a team

Teams can only be created from event pages. The person who creates the team will become the team leader. They can edit the team description and add images etc. It is also possible to publicly list a different person as the contact person on the team page.

Each team can have a description, a logo and an additional image or video.

Joining and leaving teams

A fundraiser will automatically join the team if they start the fundraiser from the team page. It is also possible to join a team later.

When a user is logged into their account and has accessed their fundraising page, they can join a team from the 'more options' button. When you click on the symbol, a menu will drop down, where you can select your fundraiser state and join or leave a team. 

There is also an option to join/leave a team from the fundraising tools section. If you go to 'more options' or 'fundraiser tools,' a pop-up will open where you can pick the event and/or team you want to join.




Deleting teams

Team leaders can delete the team. When a team is deleted, the fundraiser will no longer be associated with the team, but it will not otherwise impact the fundraisers, and they will stay published.

Charity admins can also delete teams. 

To delete a team, simply press 'More options' on the page when logged in as either a charity admin or a team leader.


Team leader emails

Team leaders will receive a string of emails, informing them about how to manage their team and recruit participants. Whenever a new fundraiser joins the team, the team leader is encouraged to welcome them and help them get started.

Below is an overview of the emails included. Individual customers on the premium subscription plan may set up additional emails or remove some.

T#1Welcome, introTeam createdInstant
T#3.1Create a fundraising pageTeam created (only send if no team members)2 days
T#3.2Invite members to create fundraising pagesTeam created (only send if no team members)4 days
T#5Help your members fundraiseTeam created (only send if no donations)6 days
T#6New team memberFundraiser joins teamInstant


