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How do I create an event?

How Does it Work?

The event should be tied to at least one of your own projects. You can also tie several projects to an event, and if relevant you could also share an event with another charity. If you would like to tie your event to a new project, start by creating the project and adding all the details.

How to Create an Event?

At the moment, it is only BetterNow who can create events, so you have to contact us at support@betternow.org if you would like to have an event created for your organisation or simply know more about it. When requesting an event, you also need to provide the following information about the event:

  • Name
  • Description 
  • A link to the project you would like to have the event tied to

You can always make changes to the event yourself after creation.

Event states

An event can take place in several different states. The states will never impact the fundraisers that are part of the event. 

  • Draft: Not published, still work in progress
  • Published: Fully published, visible under the event tab and in the start fundraising flow
  • Hidden: It is still possible to create fundraisers, but only visible through the direct link
  • Finished: It is only visible through the direct link. It is not possible to create fundraisers
  • Trashed: Deleted and gone forever