Home > Privacy / GDPR / Legal > How to add additional text in connection with the acceptance of your privacy policy

How to add additional text in connection with the acceptance of your privacy policy

You can edit the text following the text link for your terms/conditions and privacy policy. You can use this if you need to highlight parts of your privacy policy or want to set expectations on future communications under legitimate interest.

You can change the text from your dashboard --> account --> legal

The text you add in this field will then be shown with the text stating that user accepts terms and conditions and pand privacy policy by continuing (e.g. with a donation or creating a fundraiser).

The statement can be changed depending on if it is used with fundraiser/team creation or when making a donation. 

The statement can be used to inform the user about things like what their personal data will be used for, which is especially useful if you rely on legitimate interest rather than contact permission for further contact.

You can't change the first sentence. It will always include a link to the site's terms and conditions and a link to your privacy policy (if you have added a link in your dashboard; see here how to do this).

You can have the text translated. As in all parts of the BetterNow dashboard, you will edit the translation for the language you have set in the top menu bar. So, if you have your locale set to 'EN', you are editing the English version. To switch to another locale, simply change the language in the top menu bar.

Note the following:

These settings are set to the same across all projects and all fundraisers. You can't change it for specific projects, sites or fundraisers.
