
Gift Aid Reporting

UK Charities can submit Gift Aid clams to the HRMC directly from their dashboard.

You need a correctly configured charity account with the HMRC in order to do this.

To submit Gift Aid claims, simply go to the menu item 'Gift Aid'.

You can see how many donations that are eligible for submitting under (1), and how much you will receive in Gift Aid for these donations. After entering your HMRC Charities Online User ID, HMRC Charities Online Password and HMRC Reference then you can submit a gift aid claim (2) for the eligible donations.

After you have submitted it, you can see the status of it and the history of gift aid claims under (3).

All donations are paid directly to your account (that you have specified with the HMRC) and BetterNow doesn't charge any fees on Gift Aid.

You can make as many Gift Aid claims as you need.
