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Tax Deductions and Reporting (Sweden)

All Swedish charities who are approved by Skatteverket can offer donors a tax deduction. Only donations of more than 200 kr. qualify for a tax deduction. Read more here.

Important: This scheme was introduced after the majority of our Swedish charities became customers of BetterNow. In order to offer this to your donors, we have to change your status in our system - make sure to contact us directly to enable this for you, if you have been approved by Skatteverket.

How it works for donors 

The Swedish system is quite complex, but we do our best to inform the donor of the conditions for receiving a tax deduction. When giving a donation, the donor will be asked to certify that: "Jag vill ha skattereduktion för min donation och intygar härmed att jag betalar skatt i Sverige och fyller 18 år senast i år. Du måste donera 200 kr till [charity name] nu och mer än 2 000 kr till organisationer som är godkänts för skattereduktion per år, för att få skattereduktion. Du kan få 25% av din donation i skattereduktion, dock högst 1 500 kr. Skattereduktionen kommer att rapporteras av [charity name] till Skatteverket." and add their personnummer for companies. We validate the personnummer when entered. 

Reporting of tax deductions

Swedish personnummers are reported in the format: YYYYMMDDXXXX

It is the responsibility of you, the charity, to report tax deductions. We report tax deductions and ID's in all monthly reports, and this information can furthermore be dowloaded from the export functionality in your dashboard through out the year. In addition to this, we generate an additional tax deduction report for you. The report is generated for any charity who have tax deductions to report. It can be downloaded, under 'Reports' (find the link above the list of your usual reports).

Note: Even though donors are informed that only donations of minimum 200 kr. qualify, they can still request tax deductions on those below 200 kr. You will therefore have to remove donations of less than 200 kr. from the report before you report these donations. 
