Home > Integrations > OnlineFundraising.dk


Charities who are using OnlineFundraising (OF) to handle donations can use their OF setup for accepting donations through BetterNow.

What will happen if you use this integration

  • Donations are made through the payment setup you have through OF.
  • Donations are not paid-out or handled by Clearhaus.
  • We will no longer invoice any payment processing fees on the monthly invoices.
  • Donations forms will stay the same, only the payment window will be provided from OF.
  • Donation details (such as name, email, phone address, fundraiser, etc,) will be forward into OF and associated with the donation.
  • We will also forward more detailed data such as UTM parameters for Google Analytics, information about the referring web site, etc.
  • You will not be able to use sponsored fundraisers, as this isn't supported by the payment setup in OF.

The big benefit is that you will be able to re-use your existing payment setup, and have all donation data added to OnlineFundraising. 

This gives you the option of having the donor data shared with any CRM you have integrated OF with. 

How donations are marked in OF

The default setting for all donations have 'BETTERNOW' as the purpose accounting code in OF.

If you have added reference codes on your projects, then this replace "BETTERNOW" as the purpose accounting code. 

How to get started

The integration is fairly easy and quick to set-up, however depending on your CRM system, we might need to work a bit with you to ensure that the integration works as intended.

Contact us to get started

This integration is an add-on priced at 199 DKK a month, and is only available to customers on the standard and premium subscription.

